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Which Are The Most Unique Tips And Tricks For Assassin's Creed Valhalla?

Most Unique Tips And Tricks Of  Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Most Unique Tips And Tricks Of  Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Welcome to the trailer breakdown for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Now if you haven't already watched the CGI trailer that just dropped today, go over and make sure you do that. And then come right back here because I am joined with Ashraf Ismail, creative director on Assassin's Creed Valhalla--  Hello.  --and Darby McDevitt, narrative director on Assassin's Creed Valhalla.  Hi, Yo.  Thank you so much for joining us. DARBY MCDEVITT: Hi. Thank you for having us. ASHRAF ISMAIL: It's a pleasure. Yeah, it's a pleasure. YOUSSEF MAGUID: So we're going to go through this trailer here and break down some parts, pause and play. And hopefully, y'all can shed a little bit more light on some things for us. So why don't we go ahead and start it?   They are heartless.  So right off the bat, Ido want to stop this here. And Ashraf, I wanted to talk to you a little bit about the settlement were seeing because I know settlements playa big role in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.  Yes, here what we're seeing, it's a settlement in Norway, a Norwegian settlement. The idea of home and settling, it's very important toAssassin's Creed Valhalla. A big part of the motivation of the story and the journey favor, our hero, is about this idea of home and having this thriving settlement. 

What we're seeing here,again, is in Norway. This is home in Norway. YOUSSET MAGUID: Yeah, solet's keep going here, because I don't think they'restaying in Norway for long.  So Darby, we see thisgiant statue here. Who is this exactly? DARBY MCDEVITT: Thisis a statue of Odin, one of the many godsin the Norse pantheon. It was pretty commonbefore big events, before battle, beforefeasts for the Norse to give offerings to thegods, sacrifices, in exchange for favors. This was not areligion where there was an interventionistaspect where the gods were always watchingover you, protecting you. They were a littlebit more like humans. You had to dosomething for them, and they would dosomething for you. So this is what we're seeinghere, is kind of a pre-- something's about to happen. And they're going andasking for favors.  Godless barbarians.   So we see there the firstshot of our hero, Eivor. What's happening here? Why are they gettingtheir face covered?  So here, asDarby mentioned, we have a ritual becausewe're about to go out. 

Basic Strategies In  Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Most Unique Tips And Tricks Of  Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

We're about to goto raid, to attack. And so here we're gettingthe favor of Odin. There's been asacrifice made to Odin to gain this war god's favor.  And is there anything youcan tell us about Eivor? ASHRAF ISMAIL: Yeah, Eivor-- so our hero, thisis a Viking Raider who is from Norwayand who will be leaving Norway for the rollinggreen hills of England. Here we're teasing the ideathat the journey really starts in Norway, and it willeventually lead to England, where again it's about thisidea of settling the people and building thisthriving settlement, again, very important to themotivation of this character. Now players will be able toplay Eivor as male or female, but it is the journey of Eivor.  [MUSIC PLAYING] YOUSSET MAGUID: So we see themhere setting sail for England. ASHRAF ISMAIL: Yes, absolutely.  And kill blindly.  
YOUSSEF MAGUID: So I wantus to stop right there for a second too because wehear the voice over saying they murder and kill blindly. But then you seethem clearly stopping when they see this womanand child in front of them. Was that somethingyou wanted to-- maybe myth of theVikings, is that something you wanted toexplore here, Darby? DARBY MCDEVITT: Yeah,well, I mean, certainly a lot of what we knowabout the Vikings comes from the peoplewho they raided. The Viking Age started atthe end of the eighth century with an attack onLindisfarne in England. And the English liketo write about it and certainly a lot of theaccounts are very brutal. What we're tryingto do is actually show the complete storyof an entire culture. And when youactually jump forward to when our game is set, there'sa lot of settling going on.

 There's not justraiding, but there's Norse coming over fromNorway, from Denmark and settling in England. And our game depictsa lot of that aspect of settling and integratingwith the population. And that integration actuallyhappened fairly quickly and easily. So we know that therewas a lot of mutual--  a lot of similaritiesbetween the two cultures that allowed this to happen. So what we're going toportray in this game is that it's not just aboutbrutality and violence and wanton and masochism. There's a lot ofthought that goes into these raids, thesebattles, and then where these Norse settle andthe friends they make and the alliances they make. So we try to showa complete picture.  Yeah, and you referenceda time period there. What time period are we talking?  So this game takes place-- the main story begins in873 A.D., so at a time when England is actuallynot one kingdom. It's not called England atthe time, except as a land. But it's not a country. There's actually quite afew kingdoms inside England. So England itselfis fairly fractured at this time with manydifferent kings that rule over different parts of it. YOUSSET MAGUID: Yeah,I think we might see one of those kingsin just a second.  [INAUDIBLE] scarthe lands of England, lands they will never defend.  What we're showing hereis that they've left Norway and they've decided to now, notjust raid and attack England, but to actually build acommunity there and, as Darby mentioned, integrate themselvesinto the local society and become a part of it. One thing thathistory doesn't really say until you dig, whichis a lot of these people were farmers. They were traders, settlers. And they actually worked quitehard to integrate themselves into, let's say,England in this example. 

Tips To Improve Attacking Skills in Assassin's Creed Valhalla:

Most Unique Tips And Tricks Of  Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

So here, we're showingoff this aspect of them. But from a gameperspective, this is also something that's veryimportant to the motivation of the game, buildingyour settlement, growing it, making thechoices as a leader within this communityabout how you want to grow your settlement. This is very important. And here we're givinga little taste of that.  Yeah, one thing thatI think the English-- or let's say the Saxons,you'd call them at the time-- when they were living there,because of the church, they had a lot of writing. So they were able to leavebehind a lot of records. So archeologically we haveto actually go and look at other sources to see howwell they actually integrated. And if you look ata map of England now and you see any town withthe ending of Thorpe or By, By, that probably means it wasa Viking town or a Norse or Dane town settled. So we know, just by thesheer number of them, hundreds of these towns-- we know that they were actuallyvery successful settlers.  Never love. The time has come to speak--  All right, so I thinkthis is one of those kings that, Darby, youwere mentioning. Who exactly is this? And it's revealed here thatthis is also the person that's giving voice over as well. Why does he seem to have suchdisdain towards the Vikings? DARBY MCDEVITT: Yeah, sothis is Alfred, King Alfred, or Alfred the Great. He's the only English Kingto actually have that title.

 He didn't give it to himself. But he is of Wessex, whichis the southernmost kingdom in England at the time. There is also three others-- Mercia, Northumbria, and EastAnglia that we deal with. And he specificallyis known for being one of the moststaunch opponents of the Viking invasion. He was the strongestof the kings. He was able to push them backfor a time and deal with them, whereas otherkings would rapidly crumble beneath the onslaughtof the Danes and the Norse.  --to them in a languagethey will understand.  [MUSIC PLAYING]  So Ash, here we seeEivor's people coming in on these Viking longships. How do those factorinto the gameplay? And what did youlearn about them? ASHRAF ISMAIL: Yes, sothe Viking long ships, this is a technology thatwas unique to the Norse and the Danes and theVikings in this time period. If I was to give ametaphor, I would say imagine that you havethis empty highway, rivers, and you have a Ferrarithat you can drive down this highway withno one around you and no one able to chase you. This is what gave theVikings the capacity to get in so deep into theland behind enemy lines to hit and run. And these ships carriedusually cargo and raiders. So raiders, these are warriorsthat were proficient in combat. They were able to get in, steala lot of stuff, and run away. YOUSSET MAGUID:Yeah, I think we're going to see these eventsof that play out here in a little bit. [MUSIC PLAYING]  Shields!   So we're seeinghere a full on battle taking place in this field. How do raids fit intogameplay and what did you learn about how Vikingsraid once they've gotten out of their longships?  Well, there'sreally two parts. 
Most Unique Tips And Tricks Of  Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

There's raiding, which is muchmore about hit and run, get into a specific place, steal theriches, create a bit of chaos to make people flee, run away,to give them time to steal. That's a raid. Here what we're seeing,it's a big battle. So this time periodwas known to have a lot of battlesbetween the Vikings and the Saxons or thepeople who live in England. There were many battles. Here we're witnessing that. And that is something thatwe do have in the game. So players can go raiding withtheir longship and the raiders. And there are moments in thegame with these really big, epic scale battleson battlefields or in fortifications,because it was a really big part of thehistory during this time. So we needed to represent that. Of course, Vikings carryingtheir famous round shield. We have Eivor, who at some pointis holding a shield and an ax but also two axes.  If people notice, we'reseeing a lot of the things we're doing with combat.  Here we have throwing ax. So this is an abilitythat you have in the game, to throw axes. So we're showing off alot of the combat details that we're pushing for. YOUSSET MAGUID: Yeah, and weactually caught a little peak there of Eivor dualwielding axes here. Is that something we'regoing to get to do?  Oh, of course, absolutely. So dual wielding is abig part of the game. And it's very open. You can pretty dualwield all combinations of weapons we have. If you want dual wield twoshields, we let you do that.  

Yes.  So dual wielding is a bigpart of the combat system. [MUSIC PLAYING]  So we get a little tease here. There's some hoodedfigure that appears to be standing next to thistree on the battlefield. Anything at all, Ash, you couldtell us about this figure here?  Dear Eivor believes that heis receiving some kind of favor, and it gives him, let's say,the will to push forward. [MUSIC PLAYING]  Odin is will us! YOUSSET MAGUID: So is that thephysical manifestation of Odin there? DARBY MCDEVITT:Well, in the myths, Oden has two Raven's,Huginn and Muninn, which are a thought in memory. They come from the wordsthought and memory. And they were justhis two companions that would help himgather knowledge and wisdom about the world. [MUSIC PLAYING]  So we see Eivor again justabout all he can handle.  Are we going to see enemiesof this stature that are this formidable inn the game?  Yeah, we have-- the combat of this time period. If you're going tomake a Viking game, the combat needs to be visceral. It needs to be quite brutal. So yes, you meet quiteimpressive enemies, like this guy here. We would call thisguy the ringleader. So this is a leaderon the battlefield who is able to rallythe troops and have some kind of unique capacities. He's very armored, veryfew available weak points. So that's a little a hintas to what's to come. 

 Yeah, I mean the trailer showsthat he's given Eivor basically everything that he can handle. [MUSIC PLAYING] OK, so this is the coolestthing in the world.  Nice pause.  There's so much Iwant to talk about. First of all, the hidden blade--the hidden blade is back. What was thedecision around that? And then it's alsomounted on top of the arm for the first time. Where did all thosedecisions come from?   Let's see here. I'll go for it. So we're buildinga Viking fantasy. We wanted our players to livein the boots of a Viking warrior and to fully livein that fantasy. But this is within theAssassin's Creed world. And so in ourjourney, of course, we can't spoil too much here. But in our journey, Eivordoes meet with assassins. Now Eivor doesn't necessarilyknow what that means. But there is some kind ofcommon ground that they have. And this is somethingthat Eivor-- these are people thatEivor will work with. And at some point, Eivordoes receive a hidden blade. So that's something that happensin the journey quite early on. Again, we don't want to getinto any spoiler territory or explain why theconnection is there.

 But it is something that'svery significant and important to the journey of this game. And so when Eivor receivesthis hidden blade, Eivor puts it on andbelieves that this is such a kickassweapon that why would you want to hide itfrom your enemies.  So here, again, we wantedto show that Eivor, there is something moreto this character than-- yes, this is a Vikingraider, but there is more. There is something unique here. There is a unique journeythat our players will go on within this Viking fantasyinside the Assassin's Creed world.  Yeah, we spent a lot of timeoverlapping and intertwining threads to make surethat every moment of it really feels connected,integrated, that it's all-- when you play this game, you'rein not just a Viking game but an Assassin's Creed game. [MUSIC PLAYING]  All right, well,folks, there you have it. That's the first trailer forAssassin's Creed Valhalla. You've got thein-depth breakdown. You got all the details withAshraf, the creative director, Darby, the narrative director. Thank you all somuch for joining us. And Ash, when andwhere can people play Assassin's Creed Valhalla?  So Assassin's Creed Valhallawill be a launch title for Xbox Series X and PS5. And it'll be out in the holiday2020 for Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Stadia.  Awesome, thank you so much. Take care, everyone.  Thank you.  If you liked this, pleasesubscribe to this channel and visit us [SOUND OF FIRE BURNING]  

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